5 Money-Saving Tips for Teachers
We all know that teachers do not make nearly as much money as they should. Their less than extravagant salary leaves a little to be desired for sure. I know that teachers work very hard and I am a big believer that they deserve to treat themselves as often as they can! I also know though that treating yourself can cost a lot of money. No teacher should have to stress about money when they are focused on working hard teaching our children.
That is why I wanted to take a moment to talk about these 5 money-saving tips for teachers. Let’s work together to boost the bottom line and improve our financial standing!
Check out these 5 Money-Saving Tips for Teachers
Take advantage of the tax deductions available to you
There are tax deductions available for teachers and you need to make sure that you take advantage of them! When it comes tax time this spring, make sure you remember that there is a deduction available for teachers' expenses, as well as deductions for tuition and professional development expenses.
Track your expenses
Everyone needs to track their expenses in order to get their finances under control, or at least to stay on top of their finances. To best track your expenses, create a spreadsheet and start recording everything you spend. Be sure to take a few minutes at the end of each day to go over your receipts and input them into your spreadsheet. Once you start doing this, you will be able to see exactly where your money is going and where you may need to cut back on your spending.
Skip the restaurant and meal plan
This is another one of the budget-saving tips that everyone should be following through on. Planning and creating your own meals is one of the easiest ways to save money. I know that heading to a restaurant is tempting and easy, especially on those busy school days when you work for hours, but trust me, your wallet will thank you for skipping them. Making your own coffee, bringing your lunch from home and having a set meal plan can save you hundreds of dollars per month. I like to meal prep on Sundays. I'll prepare a few different meals and portion them out in containers in my fridge. I don't mind eating the same thing for lunch every day. Making your own food is both cheaper and healthier. As an added bonus, you will have a lot more time on your hands since you will no longer be wasting your time trying to figure out what to cook every night.
Ask for donations
Do not be afraid to ask for donations. No, not for your everyday expenses, but for your classroom needs. There are a lot of people out there that want to help teachers out. When you have classroom needs, make sure to ask around. Ask your teacher friends if they have leftover supplies, send out a letter to parents asking them to pitch in, create a Donors Choose account and post it on social media, etc. You can also create a wishlist on amazon for your classroom. These expenses should not lay solely on your shoulders. There are options out there for you to get help with your classroom needs.
Take advantage of educator discounts
There are quite a few businesses out there that offer educator discounts, many of which you may not even be aware of. These types of discounts are offered at businesses such as retail locations, eyewear companies, craft stores, travel companies, and so many more. Whenever I'm traveling I ask if there's a teacher's discount. Don’t buy something just for the discount, of course, but if you are going to be buying something anyway, be sure to check and see if there is a discount available to you.